We had some DVD's from the Bisbee library to take back before we leave soon so it was off to Bisbee we went this morning. Before we left I spent some time checking the motorhomes tire pressures, oil, trans fluid, radiator fluid, etc. Wanted to get that done early in the morning when the air is still cool & comfortable enough to do things like that. Grabbed a shower & we were westbound for Bisbee by 10. No Mexican back-packs along the way on Frontier road this morning. Got me a real nice fleece lined denim work jacket out the last backpack we found but feel bad for the fellow who lost it by suddenly having to shed his heavy load. If I knew who or where he was I would return the jacket to him but that's not likely to happen.
First stop in Bisbee was a Thrift store & I actually made it in & out of there without spending my dollar. Next was Safeway for groceries & then off to the Bisbee Breakfast Club for lunch. That is one very busy place & we had to wait a few minutes for a seat. We had heard they have good burgs in there so I immediately went to that section of the menu. Just below the standard burg was something called a Gooie Louie so without further hesitation I knew anything with a name like that has got to be good. And so it was. Topped with mushrooms, onions, & Jim Bean's barb-e-que sauce it had a great flavor. It comes complete with home cut fries on a bed of lettuce, tomatoes, & ucky pickles. I'm not a pickle person!! This was a great burg & lived up well to it's name. Two thumbs up for the BBC's Gooie Louie:)) Kelly had something called a Grilled Coffee Chicken Breast. Don't ask, I have no idea what the coffee has to do with it. She said it was really good & ate the whole darn thing all by herself.
Next stop was the Library to return the DVDs. Really nice old stone & brick building right in the heart of downtown Bisbee. This is one great little town & the more you get around to see, the greater it gets. You have to drive the narrow hillside streets as well as walk them. Everytime we go there we discover new things. It's hard for me to find the right words to describe this town so if your in the area just go to Bisbee & take a few days to walk the town & it's cliffhanging back streets & alleys. Climb it's thousands of steps, & enjoy it's quaint little cafe's & shoppes. This town is a photographer's paradise. Everything is here. Architecture, color, ambience, nature, landscapes, old cars, characters of all description, flowers, trees, an abundance of old buildings, history, birds, etc. etc. etc. The absolutely rare Abyssinian Asscrather bird has even been seen here nesting in an old sleeping hippies beard. Art studios & crafts are everywhere. Of all the towns & cities I've seen in my lifetime I would have to say Bisbee is at the top of my list as far as interesting places to visit. If I was forced to live in a small town again I would choose Bisbee Arizona & if I was a talented young professional photographer I would definitely make Bisbee my home for awhile & absolutely photograph the complete heck out of the whole darn place.
Last week when we visited the Texas John Slaughter Ranch east of Douglas & forgot to mention something about the road leading to the ranch. It's called The Geronimo Trail & it was the inspiration for Stan Jones's 1948 country hit song, "Ghost Riders In The Sky." I have misplaced the literature but it was along this trail either during or after a thunderstorm that he was inspired to write the song. One of my favs & I have the Vaughn Monroe version in my music library.
Checkers let the chickens out to-day again.................................
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Checkers let the chickens out to-day again.................................