Sunday, June 26, 2011



It was Sunday morning, the sun was shining & the temperatures were acceptable.  That could only mean one thing.  It was time for my Sunday morning motorcycle ride & this time I had a destination.  Several emails from a friend of my Uncle Harry's said she felt his health had slipped a bit this week.  A few calls to the Nursing Home facility confirmed Harry was having some difficulties.  So, with that thought in mind I jumped on the bike & headed 40 minutes east to see my Uncle.  Harry was asleep when I got there but we were able to talk for a bit before he was asleep again.  Kelly & will return this week again to see how he is doing.

Now, back to the story & conclusion of 'Dayton's Lamp.'   First, in regards to Saturday night’s 'lamp post' let me explain that I did not intentionally end the story where I did with any preconceived idea of hanging people up. Plainly speaking, I was just too tired to continue. It was late when I got to the computer & I still had no photos for the post. Slipped out into the yard before the sun was down & cracked off a few flower pics. At 10 p.m. last night I still had not retrieved those photos from the camera so I still had some editing to do plus the placement of the pics in the post. In fact when I first sat down at the computer earlier I had no subject for the blog in my head. I was idly watching some birds in the front yard when the automatic light timer turned Dayton’s lamp on beside me & that triggered….’the lamp story.’  Thanks Dayton:))
Now, to get on with the rest of the story. This is a tricky part for me to write about because I walk a thin line here. People & personalities were involved. Family members were involved. Some from the present & one from the shady past. For obvious reasons I cannot give you all the details but I will begin with the deterioration of my Mother’s physical & mental health & it was in the early stages of this that the lamp disappeared from my Mother’s house. And, she would not tell us what had happened.
Several years before all this took place a phone call from Toronto had been made to my Mother from a long lost alleged Nephew. Turns out the Nephew was legitimate alright but as the following years unfolded it became clear to everyone, except my Mother, what this Nephews intentions were. It was a well known fact my Mother had done exceptionally well with her financial investments over the years & that fact had obviously reached the ears of the long lost Nephew. I won’t go into all the details of how this fellow worked his way into my Mother’s life & systematically drove a wedge between an already strained relationship between my Mother & I but let it just be said that Kelly & I were barely on speaking terms with my Mother when one day we dropped in to see her & noticed Dayton’s lamp missing. My Mother, in her declining mental state would not tell us about the lamp or for that matter, anything else!!  She became secretive about her finances & we suspected she was being manipulated from Toronto….and as it turned out, we were right. 

I think it was in 2003 that things became so bad that my Mother, living alone in her large house finally had a complete break down. She was found by a neighbor wandering around the yard in her nightgown incoherent & delusional. That led to hospitalization for a brief period before she was able to return home again. But, it didn’t last & she was once again taken by ambulance to the Stratford General Hospital. It was at this time Kelly & I got a call from the hospital & rushed down to Stratford.
We had been suggesting for a long time that my Mother was in need of Psychiatric help & it was finally a young Doctor at the hospital who listened to our pleas that day & committed my Mother to the hospital overnight for observation. And, with that Doctor’s decision in 2003 my Mother remained in that hospital for months before finally being sent to a nursing care facility until she died in the summer of 2006.

It was this period of time when my Mother was in the hospital that we were finally able to track down some clues as to what might have happened to the lamp. And, we were only able to do that after some very significant events happened in my Mother’s hospital room.
Kelly & I did not have Power Of Attorney over my Mothers affairs & we feared the Nephew in Toronto was going to make a move to obtain POA. We also assumed he had already made a trip to Tavistock & talked my Mother out of that lamp & had probably already sold it in Toronto.  One of those assumptions later turned out to be correct.
My Mother’s mental state shortly after admission to the hospital was chaotic & bitter. The Nephew & another fellow had already drove from Toronto & had already coerced my Mother into writing two checks totaling over $70,000 convincing her the money would be safer if left with them.   We were able to determine that they were on their way back sometime in the following few days with Power of Attorney papers for my Mother to sign.
DSC_0008-1Well, that did it & that was the catalyst that sprang Kelly into action like a Tiger out of a cave. She made a lightning trip (I was working) to the C.I.B.C. Bank in Tavistock & after conferring with a helpful assistant bank manager confirmed that indeed over $70,000 had indeed just been withdrawn from one of my Mother’s bank accounts. Next, Kelly quickly secured, brought home & filled out Power of Attorney papers which we both signed that night.  I had to work in the morning but Kelly, armed with those POA papers headed poste haste directly for the Stratford Hospital to head off the Toronto gang!!
What went on in my Mother’s hospital room that morning is what soap operas are made of.  And, let me just add something here.....Kelly is one of those people who has the ability & tenacity to get things done when it is imperative to get things done!! Let me just say that Kelly was able to not only get my Mother to sign those POA papers but was able to enlist the help of another lady in the room.  The other lady just happened to be there visiting her Mother who was in the bed next to my Mother.  Kelly was able to get this lady to act as a witness to the signing of the POA papers.  And, herein lies another whole story. Turns out that other lady was an old friend of mine who I had hung around with a bit back in the summer of 64 & yes, I do have a somewhat humorous story about her too.
Now, let me try to shorten this story up by saying that my Mother’s mental state improved over the coming months in the hospital through the help & guidance of the hospital's Senior Psychiatric counseling service. In fact, Kelly & I were present at a round table meeting between ourselves, my Mother & about half dozen hospital staff members & administrators one morning that resulted in a very heated confrontation to say the least but it was another turning point. 

Slowly. my Mother began to regain her senses & accept the fact of how her Nephew had been conning her over the years. It was also at this point thanks to one of the Psychiatric counselors & the Stratford General Hospital that the money taken out of my Mother’s bank account by the Nephew was returned. The Nephew was informed by the Hospital lawyers that if the money was not returned to my Mother's account the hospital was going to pursue legal action charging him with Senior abuse because, as we understand it, the money had been removed from a mentally unstable patient under the Hospitals care. Now, we’re not exactly sure if that is exactly what happened but that is how we understand it. The money was returned & the long lost Nephew was never heard from again!!
As my Mother slowly regained her mental capacities we were slowly able to begin talking with her again & of course one of the things I wanted to know was what had ever happened to Dayton’s lamp. She was able to confirm the Nephew did not take it. She was also able to confirm that in fact know one had taken it.  Dayton’s lamp was still in Tavistock & just down the street from my Mother's house in the east end of town at a trusted friends house. This fellow had been a good friend of Dayton’s & my Mother knew he could be counted on for the safe keeping of the lamp. It had been a wise decision on my Mother's part during her time of instability & stress.
About a year before my Mother died she wrote out a note for us to take to this fellow’s house & retrieve the lamp. I was working at the time so with note in hand Kelly drove to Tavistock right away & retrieved the lamp. When I got home later that evening there was Dayton’s lamp sitting quietly on a table casting it's warm glow all about our living room. Once again, it had been years since I had last saw the lamp & once again I had that same feeling of communication with the lamp that I first had those oh so many years ago in the upper hallway of Dayton’s old house.


To me it will always be Dayton’s lamp & sometimes on a Saturday night when I have my Big Band music playing here in the sunroom I can look over & sense the presence of Dayton. I can feel his gentle nature, his laughter & his understanding ways. A man who was a friend to all & to all, a friend. And sometimes I can hear a piano duet & see my Mother & Dayton together at the keyboard sitting on the piano bench. And sometimes, just sometimes, I can see them swirl by to the tunes of Benny Goodman, Glen Miller & Patti Page singing, Tennessee Waltz.  To this very day, I cannot remember how much money my Mother paid for that lamp at Dayton’s auction that cold November night oh so many years ago in the little hamlet of Shakespeare Ontario, Canada. 

And, so ends my story of Dayton's lamp………
But, not quite. A reader has enquired about the lamp itself. I can tell you that it is fairly heavy with the base being made out of brass. It contains two electrical sockets under the shade with both having their own pull chains. We were told the shade is a double glass with the South Pacific theme painted by hand on the underside of the glass. Looks like single glass to me & yes it is definitely painted on the underside. The upper surface of the glass does not have a smooth glass feel to it but is more like the texture of a very fine sand paper. Dayton had a couple other beautiful antique lamps in his house but none of them spoke to me like this one did….and still does:))


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Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

------------------------------------------EMAIL THE BAYFIELD BUNCH:))
The only thing better than right now will someday be the memories of right
now...... AL.

Saturday, June 25, 2011



It’s June 25th folks & that can only mean one thing. We are halfway to Christmas.  Two thirds of our day ended up being dull, rainy & on the cold side so for me that means once again having to shuffle back through the fading archives of my memory to come with a blog topic for tonight.   Believe me, I would much sooner be posting new & exciting RV travels.
It has been two DSC_0012months now since Max & Checkers died & I still cannot bring myself to write about them without an overwhelming heavy sadness coming over me.  I have been able to post a few photos now & then but when it comes to writing about the guys, I just can't bring myself to do that yet.  There are still too many tears.

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions on how to deal with the cat coming into our yard.  All humane ideas & I was happy to see that.  Last thing I want to do is harm an animal in any way.  Despite my ongoing battles & frustrations with the black Squirrels I still like the guys & I do leave peanuts for them around on the stumps.  They are fun to watch in the yard & sometimes they come right up on the sunroom window ledge & make faces at the Motormouse sleeping a few inches away on the other side of the glass.  Occasionally the little Mouse catches them making faces & that really drives her bonkers.



In our sunroom to the right of our computer desk there stands a lamp.  It is not just any lamp nor is it an ordinary lamp.   It is an antique lamp that holds special memories for me.  It is a lamp that had an effect on me from the first time I saw it about 21 years ago & it still has an effect on me today.


In the town of Tavistock where I grew up lived a gentle soul of a man by the name of Dayton Appel.  Dayton was a kind hearted fellow who never married.  He was a carpenter by trade & lived & cared for his parents until they passed away.  Dayton remained in the house with all the possessions his parents had gathered over the years.  Dayton's Father had been the bank manager in town.


Dayton & my Mother had been childhood friends, attended school together & forever lived in the town they were born.  After my Mother was widowed for the second time an old friendship was renewed & my Mother & Dayton found a comforting companionship with each other.  They liked Big Band music, they liked to dance, they liked evening walks around the town & they enjoyed driving around Sunday nights eating ice cream cones.  They were the best of friends & Dayton was the best of gentlemen.


I knew Dayton all my life as well & a finer fellow I have never met.  It was about 1990 when I first had the opportunity to see inside Dayton's house & I was instantly swept back to the 1950's.  He had a piano which both he & my Mother could play & he had all the old records from the Big Band heyday.  Dayton gave me a tour of the old two story house & on the second floor, standing on a table at the end of a hall, my eyes were immediately drawn to a beautiful hand painted glass lamp.  It was the painting on the lamp which so intrigued me.  It was as if it reached out & spoke to me.  Dayton said his Mother & Dad had bought that lamp many years before.  We headed back downstairs & I never saw that lamp again for years, but, I never forgot it.


Dayton passed away in May of 2000 from leukemia.  After the funeral I mentioned to my Mother how much I liked & remembered that antique lamp of Daytons in his upstairs hallway.  I told her of the effect it had on me when I first saw it.  She was the only one I told because telling people about a lamp having an effect on me would garner some concerned stares for sure.  I wondered what would become of the 'magical' lamp.


A local auction company later came in & boxed up all Dayton's possessions which were slated to be sold at auction 6 months later in the town of Shakespeare.  Kelly & I lived about 40 minutes away & had not originally planned on attending the auction but at the last minute decided to go.  Upon arriving the first thing I looked for in the large hall filled with Dayton's possessions was....the lamp.  And, there it was, on a table with several other beautiful antique lamps.  But, I only had eyes for the one. 

It was sad for me because there were antique dealers there that night & I knew the price of that lamp would be way out of our price range.  There was no way we could ever afford something like that at the time.  My Mother was at the auction as well because I knew there were a few things of Daytons she wished to have.


It was probably two thirds of the way through the night when they finally came to the table of antique lamps.  There, far away on the other side of the large arena, near the auctioneer, sat the mystical hand painted lamp.  Bidding started on the lamp ahead of it & the antique dealers immediately pounced driving the price into orbit.  Within minutes the bidding was over & that Tiffany lamp was on it's way to a dealer's antique store.  And then, it was my little orange colored lamp that was hoisted above the crowd onto the auctioneer's podium.  This would be the last time I would ever see the lamp that seemed to speak to me those many years before.  This would be the last time I would see Dayton's lamp.


The bidding started furiously & once again the dealers pounced & skyrocketed the price straight up.  And then it happened.  Another voice joined the fray.  It was a familiar voice & it was right beside me.  It was my Mother.  The price went up as the dealers bid.  The price went up & up but my Mother kept outbidding the dealers & this is where things suddenly became very exciting as both my Mother & I were on our feet.  Several times she turned & looked at me as a dealer went even higher.  I nodded to her silently & she quickly raised her hand firing off another determined bid to the wide eyed auctioneer at the far side of the arena. 


What was happening here was incredible & it was happening so unsuspectingly fast.  It was like a dream sequence as I remember the sounds of the crowd with each bid going higher & higher.  I think it was the first time since I was a small boy that my Mother & I had ever come together in such a happy  spontaneous moment.  And then......I heard the auctioneer shout, 'SOLD!!'  I heard what sounded like a cheer go through the crowd.  I saw the big smile on my Mother's face & she probably saw the big smile on mine.  I was so proud of my Mother that night that she had taken the imitative, stepped up to the plate & went head to head with all the antique dealers....& won:))


I made my way through the crowd later & picked up the lamp & never let it go for the rest of the night.  They asked if I wanted to put the lamp in a box & I said no.  I just didn't want to let go of it.  After the auction we carefully placed the lamp in the car & took it to my Mothers house in Tavistock where it remained for a short while...........& then vanished!!


Because I have unintentionally written way beyond what I had planned, I think it only fair to sum this up for tonight.  I'm tired & you are probably tired by now too.  Tomorrow night I will wrap up the story of 'the lamp.'  It's disappearance does get a bit complicated, it does involve a cast of characters, a con man, a mystery, deteriorating health & a lot of money.  Add to that.....a lot of anger & frustration!!  See you tomorrow night:))


GROANER'S CORNER A man and woman are standing at the altar, about to be married, when the bride-to-be looks at her prospective groom and sees that he has a set of golf clubs with him. "What on earth are you doing with those golf clubs in church?" she whispers. "Well," he says, "this isn't going to take all afternoon, is it?"

The only thing better than right now will someday be the memories of right
now...... AL.

Friday, June 24, 2011


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It was exactly one year ago today we bought our 2006 JEEP WRANGLER TJ SPORT.   That gives us 365 continuous days of being happy Jeep owners.  No regrets, no second thoughts.  I just love that bumpity little puddle jumper to bits.

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Can’t even begin to tell you how mad I was (& still am) when our neighbors cat caught & killed a small Chipmunk under our sun room window this morning. The Chipmunk had been eating some birdseed on the ground under a feeder. Later in the morning the cat was back & killed a frog. That explained another mystery. I hadn’t seen any frogs in our pond for a couple weeks & the pond has been silent. I first blogged about this problem in Thursday’s blog & in less than 24 hours we saw the cat kill two more of our front yard critters!! First, let me make it perfectly clear about something. Kelly & I like cats & we both had house cats when we met each other. On the old farm we went to great lengths to help all the stray barn cats by feeding & providing shelter for them.  Our dog Max grew up with cat’s as his best Pals. No, my anger lies with whoever owns these cats in the first place.

Too bad we are not allowed fences here or we would have a 10 foot fence up around our whole place soooooo fast. My only recourse this morning was to reluctantly & with much anger, take down our main hanging bird feeder. I left the bird station up because it is high & the seeds do not fall off it to the ground easily.   DSC_0004

On a happier note, I suggest all you dog lovers out there hop on over to Sue & Doug’s BIG DAWG & FREEWAY & have a look at how Tucker gets to spend a fun filled day with a bunch of Pals once a week. What a great idea this is:))

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And to borrow a few words from DOUG & JOANNE'S blog this morning....’Follow your dream today. Not next year.’  And, I've thrown in a longer Groaner's Corner to make up for tonight's shorter & somewhat angry post.  Just had to vent a little of my anger into the Blogger Stratosphere......................



And, here are a few Adult Truths...

1. I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.

2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.

3. I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.

4. There is great need for a sarcasm font.

5. How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?

6. Was learning cursive really necessary?

7. Map Quest really needs to start their directions on # 5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.

8. Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.

9. I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind of tired.

10. Bad decisions make good stories.

11. You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.

12. Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don't want to have to restart my collection...again.

13. I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten-page technical report that I swear I did not make any changes to.

14. I keep some people's phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.

15. I think the freezer deserves a light as well.

16. I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Lite than Kay.

17. I wish Google Maps had an "Avoid Ghetto" routing option.

18. I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger.

19. How many times is it appropriate to say "What?" before you just nod and smile because you still didn't hear or understand a word they said?

20. I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars team up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brothers and sisters!

21. Shirts get dirty. Underwear gets dirty. Pants? Pants never get dirty, and you can wear them forever.

22. Sometimes I'll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.

23. Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, finding their cell phone, and Pinning the Tail on the Donkey -- but I'd bet everyone can find and push the snooze button from 3 feet away, out of a deep sleep, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time, every time.

24. The first testicular guard, the "Cup," was used in Hockey in 1874 and the first helmet was used in 1974. That means it only took 100 years for men to realize that their brain is also important.

The only thing better than right now will someday be the memories of right
now...... AL.

Thursday, June 23, 2011



Within minutes of publishing last night’s post we did lose our electricity for about 5 seconds which of course was just long enough to knock out our 4 outside light timers & 3 inside digital clocks. The storm was fast moving as it came across the lake & headed inland. The winds were not as bad as anticipated & the hail never did materialize. I think we got off pretty lucky again, considering the overall bad weather damage that has been occurring everywhere. It was still raining when I jumped into the Jeep & headed out to grab a few photos for tonight's post.

Today we welcome Laura from PURSUIT OF IDLE PLEASURE as our latest blog Follower. Thanks for stopping by Laura:))


After finding a second cluster of feathers on the ground & the sudden absence of birds at our feeders I now know why a neighbors 2 cats have been hanging around our front yard recently.  It's a perfect place to hide in all the shrubbery & pounce on the unsuspecting little birds on the ground picking up fallen seeds.  I am sure they have sensed that Max & Checkers are gone because we never had this problem with cats before.  Our front yard has quickly become a killing ground & there is not a darn thing we can do about it as long as people have little regard as to where their pets go & what they do everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I see Ivan managed to pull himself together a little road trip a few days ago in Canada’s Rocky mountains. How fortunate to be living in the area of Alberta that he does surrounded by nature’s wonders. Posts like his always tug at my traveling heart & take me back to my time living in British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley years ago. Makes me just want to once again dig out the old ‘For Sale’ sign here & move right on back to BC. It’s a thought Kelly & I have discussed many times but in the end, at this stage of our lives, it almost seems like an insurmountable task. It’s a big decision & requires both parties to totally be on the same page. Kelly is content to stay put for now & I of course am not, so therein lies our quiet little problem. And, don’t even get me started on my ‘Full Timing’ ideas!!
A reader recently suggested my time at home in the summer might be made tolerable by a few RV getaways. Well, that is true if we had a time & place for a getaway. Kelly works all summer & on days off is too tired to be heading off camping somewhere & I totally understand that. Second problem is where to go if we did have a few days. As rurally nice as this area is that we live in there is nowhere with the free access to lands like that found in the American Southwest. Here in southern Ontario we live in flat farm country with fields upon fields of farmer’s crops. Not really conducive for RV boondocking that’s for sure. And, as most readers know, staying in a crowded RV Park or area campground is totally out of the question for us. We have far more peace & quiet right here at home than we would ever have in one of Ontario’s crowded summer RV Parks or campgrounds filled with kids, family's & weekend party animals. And yes, we have done that & know it to be so.  Slipping away for a quiet RV weekend in our neck of the woods is just not an option.
Another problem I have with sitting home all summer is simply that I grew up in this general area of Southwestern Ontario & have spent most of my adult life here.   There just is not a whole lot left that I haven’t seen or places I haven’t been or are interested in seeing anymore. Had I never travelled very far I might be more content with myself at this point but right from an early boy I have had the hankering to get out & see things. I think the seed was planted back in the mid 50’s when my Mother & I moved to northern Ontario near the Manitoba border to be with my Stepfather who at the time was part of the construction crew working on the trans Canada highway at that time.  Now, that was exciting.  We lived in a house trailer on a farm & my memories from those days are still very much alive today. A one room country schoolhouse with two mile pony rides to school & horse drawn sleigh rides there in the winter.


I believe it was this period of time that set the tone for my desires of traveling & seeing new things. It was the main reason for me joining the Canadian Navy back in 1965. You might think that now at the age of 66 I would be content with things & happy to putter around with daily mundane routines, numb myself with nightly television programs, engage in hours of small talk at the local coffee shop or join some local service clubs for which I have no interest. Nope, none of the above holds anything for me at all. Just wanna hitch our rig to a star & travel the Universe while we still can.…….10-4:)))))))))


GROANER’S CORNER:((  There was a Scottish painter named Smokey Macgregor who was very  interested in making a penny where he could, so he often thinned down his paint to make it go a wee bit further.

As it happened, he  got away with this for some time, but eventually the Baptist Church decided to do a big restoration job on the outside of one of their biggest buildings.
Smokey put in a bid, and, because his price was so low, he got the  job. 

So he set about erecting the  scaffolding and setting up the planks, and buying the paint and, yes, I am sorry to say, thinning it down with water...
Well,  Smokey was up on the scaffolding, painting away, the job nearly completed, when suddenly there was a horrendous clap of thunder, the sky opened, and the rain poured down washing the thinned paint from all over the church and knocking Smokey clear off the scaffold to land on the lawn among the gravestones, surrounded by telltale puddles of the thinned and useless paint.

Smokey was no fool.  He knew this was a judgment from the Almighty,
So he got down on his knees and cried:
"Oh, God, Oh  God, forgive me; what should I  do?"

And from the thunder, a mighty voice spoke..








"Repaint!  Repaint!   And thin no more!"

The only thing better than right now will someday be the memories of right
now...... AL.