We had a good excuse for some housecleaning this morning. Company was a comin:)) We had met JoAnn & Doug a few days ago in Yuma. They had been following our blog & sent us an email when they rolled into Yuma. We met at a Wally-World McDonalds & had us good chin wag. They were booked into an RV Park's overflow area & we suggested they come out to where we were after Christmas & try on a little boondocking for size. Lots of room out here in the desert & lots of peace & quiet.
Their Yuma departure was delayed a bit this morning with a truck battery problem but by 11:15 they were on their way. I drove out to Ogilby road & waited for a Montana 5th wheel. We're only 20 minutes out of Yuma so it didn't take them long to get here & we soon had them back to our area & setting up. And then they let Fillmore loose. Boy, talk about a dog with a lot of energy. Fillmore is a tall handsome 70 pound Standard Poodle. He even towers over our guys. Max's nose was a little out of joint when Fillmore barreled into the rig & right up onto Max's couch. Checkers didn't like Fillmore getting too close to her favorite stick, & the little Motormouse was busy trying not to get mowed down in the ensuing circus. It's always so nice to see dogs playing to-gether & getting to know each other. Great entertainment & that Fillmore is a gem:))
A bit later in the afternoon we all piled in our car & headed off down American Girl Road to the place we were rock scrambling a couple days ago. Had us look for some rocks but didn't find too much because the area was in shadow. Drove down the road another mile or so to the big open pit mine area & had a look at that too. Back out to Ogilby road & cruised through an Escapee Boondocker Rally about a half mile off the road. Continued up Ogilby another couple of miles & swung west down a gravel road to Gold Rock Ranch. Did a drive through there & then headed back to our site & dropped JoAnn & Doug off at their rig. Figured they were needing some good old R&R after being in RV Parks for quite awhile so we let them be & said good-night. Headed for our rig & finally got there about........... 4 seconds later. All & all, it was the end of another good day, & Gee, the sun hadn't even gone down yet....................... (no wonder we get up so early!!!!)JOANN & DOUG AT BLUEBIRD HILL
I posted some new photos to-night.
OUR PHOTO ALBUMS http://picasaweb.google.com/stargeezerguy/
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