One fine morning in the Arizona desert while boondocked a few miles south of Quartzite Arizona in January of 08 I heard the sound of a very low & very small engine aircraft approaching. One glance told me it was an ultra-lite glider machine flying along at about 300 feet. Grabbed my camera in one hand & started waving to that man in his daring flying machine with the other. Later that day I wrote a little blurb in my blog about that wave. I've decided to copy that here again, because this morning.......the very same thing happened again as I heard the sound of a very low & very small engine aircraft approaching.
From January of 2008....."THURSDAY JANUARY 10/08Do you remember the days years ago when the sound of an airplane overhead would bring you running out of the house to stare skyward. I do. As a young boy in a small southwestern town in Ontario, Canada I was always fascinated with airplanes & would wave at them as they flew overhead. They never waved back of course but I never gave up waving & to-day after all these years, a strange aircraft flew low overhead, I waved............AND THE AVIATOR WAVED BACK!! It was a young boy's dream come true at last. The aircraft was an ultra-lite suspended underneath a large canopy & the aviator sat in an open cart affair with wheels & an engine on the back. Not exactly a bigger winged airplane but it was a wave from the sky nonetheless. I had been sitting outside reading when I heard the whine of a high pitched engine coming & as I got up to look, the aircraft came in low from the northwest & made a slow banking left turn. (must have seen our Canadian flag) He was low enough & close enough for me to see he was looking down at me. I instinctively let go with a big wave, & was thrilled to see the aviator let go with a big wave back............. Yes Toto, a little boy's dreams can come true:))
If I was younger, not a fumbling male over 60, & more on the ball, I could now tell you the names of Doug & JoAnn's friends in the other fifth wheel, but alas, I can't. Kelly would know but she's already gone to bed so as I write this blog to-night......I'm beat. I will just have to wait for D & J to send me over a nice email to-morrow & slip me some names.
In the meantime, D & J & couple X settled into their boondocking spots. Kelly & I slipped over later with a bunch of literature & activities in the area that Kelly had picked up in Borrego Springs earlier in the day. I then took Couple X, D & J for a tour into town showing them such fine points as where to dump garbage, the Laundromat, where to do dump tanks & pick up water. Jilberto's was on the driving tour as was, The Springs at Borrego, the Nature Center, the Fudge Factory, the grocery store, Anza-Borrego's State Park Visitor Center, the Library, the Post Office, the Hardware Store, a fruit stand, etc. etc. etc. I remember when we first came here a year ago we didn't know where anything was either & it was our good neighbor Butch who toured us around town showing us all the same fine points. It was nice for me to be able to do the same for some other folks.
We're still working on our DVD movies from the Library & to-night we watched, Flags of our Fathers directed by Clint Eastwood. Last night's movie was, The Bucket List with Jack Nicholson & Morgan Freeman. To-morrow night's movie will be an instructional DVD for Al on the ABC's of remembering people's names..........:))
No photos for the album to-night.
Al, having looked at all those nice shots with the rainbows so well defined i'm surprized Kelly and you aren't out digging up the pots of gold already.
ReplyDeletethe hermit
Al, having looked at all the nice shots with the rainbows so well defind i'm surprized Kelly and you aren't out digging up the pots of gold.
ReplyDeletethe hermit