"Do you need a groundsheet?" "No, it'll be alright." "That's what I'm afraid about" she said. And so began our day as Kelly headed back into Quartzite for one last browse & I headed for the bedroom armed with a can of paint & a brush. Another fine Arizona morning was underway.
We had decided awhile back to paint the back wall of the bedroom the same color as our slide in the front area. Bought the paint in Yuma last month & this morning the paint urge finally kicked in. I like to do those kinds of job when Kelly's not around because it just makes for a little more peace of mind when I don't have someone making suggestions, telling me how to do it, changing things, or questioning my work methods....so to speak!! Took me about an hour or so to finish up the paint job & while standing back admiring my word, I glanced in the bathroom. Hey, I was on a roll!! Within minutes the paint was flying in the bathroom too & I had one wall totally finished before the Boss rolled in. Too bad, because I could have had the second wall done too, but...... "Lets think about it" she said. And just as I figured, after I had the paint all put away & brushes cleaned, she later said, "yes, let's do that wall as well." Arrrrrggghhhhh!!
Another RV couple we had first met down at the Hickiwan Trails RV Park...
http://hickiwantrailsrvpark.com/ last year are here in Quartzite again this year so after a few Facebook messages back & forth Bea & Herb came out to our campsite for a visit. We had seen them last year here as well & last month we dropped in to see them when they were staying near St. David south of Benson Az. Once again much of the conversation centered around internet connections, phone plans, antennas, boosters, etc. Bea & Herb have had a rough winter so far. First, their motorhome engine blew while going over the Rockies a couple of months ago. Second, the fuel pump in their rig went the day before Christmas while they were in a propane line-up in Benson. They spent Christmas day in their rig on a Ford dealership's parking lot. And then to make matters worse.....it snowed on them!! Next came news that the furnace igniter in their house back in British Columbia had failed to light the furnace........and their whole house froze!! Water pipes burst in numerous places, the bottom busted out of the water heater & when the temperature went up, all that frozen water melted...... flooding their house. The one rubber plant they had is now deceased as well:(( Let me tell you, these two people are in remarkably good spirits considering all the bad luck they've had so far.
It was nice to see them as we chatted the afternoon away. They are here until the end of the month & then headed off somewhere but not sure where. What a great life eh. We waved good-bye to Bea & Herb around 4 as they headed off out into the desert in their little green Jeep Liberty. Wonder if we'll ever cross paths again. With the economy about to spin out of control & the approaching doom & gloom, it's unlikely a lot of us will ever see each other again because I have a feeling this is going to be the last year of traveling for a lot of us RV folks:((
http://hickiwantrailsrvpark.com/ last year are here in Quartzite again this year so after a few Facebook messages back & forth Bea & Herb came out to our campsite for a visit. We had seen them last year here as well & last month we dropped in to see them when they were staying near St. David south of Benson Az. Once again much of the conversation centered around internet connections, phone plans, antennas, boosters, etc. Bea & Herb have had a rough winter so far. First, their motorhome engine blew while going over the Rockies a couple of months ago. Second, the fuel pump in their rig went the day before Christmas while they were in a propane line-up in Benson. They spent Christmas day in their rig on a Ford dealership's parking lot. And then to make matters worse.....it snowed on them!! Next came news that the furnace igniter in their house back in British Columbia had failed to light the furnace........and their whole house froze!! Water pipes burst in numerous places, the bottom busted out of the water heater & when the temperature went up, all that frozen water melted...... flooding their house. The one rubber plant they had is now deceased as well:(( Let me tell you, these two people are in remarkably good spirits considering all the bad luck they've had so far.
It was nice to see them as we chatted the afternoon away. They are here until the end of the month & then headed off somewhere but not sure where. What a great life eh. We waved good-bye to Bea & Herb around 4 as they headed off out into the desert in their little green Jeep Liberty. Wonder if we'll ever cross paths again. With the economy about to spin out of control & the approaching doom & gloom, it's unlikely a lot of us will ever see each other again because I have a feeling this is going to be the last year of traveling for a lot of us RV folks:((
This is our last night in Quartzite & to-morrow morning we'll head east over to Buckeye & then south to Gila Bend where we'll dump tanks, take on water, fuel, & propane. Herb told us about a spot between Gila Bend & Casa Grande where there is free camping so we'll check that out & maybe stay a couple days before rolling down through Tucson & on to the Benson area. Not crazy about having to run that construction gauntlet through Tucson again but that's just the way it is. We want to be on site for our ranch sitting job near Douglas Az somewhere around the 28th because we have an orientation period to go through with the folks at the ranch. That will be good because I've never had to milk chickens before, never met a mule more stubborn than me & I'm not sure which end of the horse to put the hay in.
We had our last campfire to-night & both agreed this is the warmest night we've had since leaving home back in November. It was dark & I even had a short sleeve shirt & shorts on....most amazing:))
I must remember to take a picture of the finished paint job to-morrow too. Even the Boss thought I did a good job. Like I said........................most amazing!!
No photos for the web album to-night.
OUR PHOTO ALBUMS http://picasaweb.google.com/stargeezerguy/
Last year of traveling? Heck, it will be our first year of many (I hope).