Had a few errands to run in Goderich this morning so figured I would include those few stops with a back road Autumn leaves photo tour along the way. Nice sunny morning so figured I could find myself some nice solid blocks of color along the bush lines. But, it was not to be. High gusting winds this past Saturday had stripped many trees of their beautiful Fall colors. Still some nice photo ops in some areas though but the cold gray days of November are fast approaching. Soon our once majestic palette of colors will be no more.
Spent a fair part of my day on the end of a lawn rake and wheelbarrow. It is much easier to rake up pine needles now rather than Spring after they have been compacted into the ground by winter's snow. Also cut down all our towering 12 foot high bamboo grass. Normally do that in the Spring but figured it might be less messy if I take care of all that long grass now. Also caught a few more front yard frog pond frogs and carefully transported them to the Park’s bigger pond across the road where they can now burrow in the mud bottom and survive the winter. When the day comes we have to give up going south I am going to do the same:))

I have suspected for quite some time now I may have some kind of wheat allergy. Kelly got on the computer last week and checked out the symptoms and I have every one of them on the checklist. With that knowledge in hand Kelly headed off to the health food store and returned with a car load of wheat free products. So, changes are underway once again here on the old food front.
Some of the wheat free products are kind of yummy and some taste totally awful. Some just taste like cardboard but I am finding my way through the tasting process and must say I am already feeling better. But, here's the downside for the furry guys and the immediate ramifications of Dad's new 'no wheat' diet. No more sharing Burritos at McDonalds. In fact, if I have to stick to this 'no wheat' thing, it means no more Subs and no McDonalds Egg McMuffins or Burgs. And, donuts are out as are probably Pizzas. I see all this as a good thing in the long run but this morning as I drove by a McDonald's, an A&W, a Harvey’s, a Tim Horton’s and 2 Subways, I knew this is not going to be an easy row for me to hoe.

RETIRED ROD had a few questions regarding the town of Goderich and how they are doing two months after a tornado struck their in August. The Provincial Government of Ontario is helping residents in several ways, one of which is to match all donations being received. An all day musical benefit concert was held in the damaged towns center a week ago as well. Some heritage buildings were damaged beyond repair and have been torn down but the town is rebuilding and people are coping, adjusting and getting on with their lives. I'm sure the town will emerge strong in the end looking and living even better than before.
As for the damages to the town's large waterfront salt mine, it is going to be a long haul. The mine is back in production but the repairs and changes there are predicted to take up to a couple years. DEER PARK LODGE where Kelly works has actually benefitted from the mine damages because many of the engineers and personnel brought in to rebuild the mines facilities have found lodging for the winter at Deer Park. Many of the engineering families are also finding accommodation in the village of Bayfield with some folks renting houses long term until the all the work at the mine is finished. Goderich is about a 15 to 20 minute drive north of Bayfield.

And, a personal thank you to readers and friends for your comments and concerns regarding my 4 day blogging absence. A special thanks for the emails from folks who understand the ways of depression and shared their own personal experiences with me. The subject of depression is one of those closet topics which is too often hastily swept under the nearest carpet. In my opinion, no one is immune from depression in one form or another. It’s human nature, and the many faces of depression are gathered together in varying degrees by each and every one of us. The key is in recognizing it and knowing how to deal with it. Talking about depression is a definite step forward for anyone, and catching the early symptoms of an oncoming depression can save one a lot of ‘down time’.
GROANER’S CORNER:(( Did you know it gets so hot in Arizona that Roadrunners have to use pot holders to pull Lizards out of the ground & ranchers have to feed their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying hard boiled eggs. Yep, it’s true alright:))
-Tourists see the world, travelers experience it.
-Until one has loved an Animal, their soul remains un-awakened.
BAYFIELD BUNCH PHOTO ALBUMS https://picasaweb.google.com/117858411710794543295
The only thing better than right now will someday be the memories of
right now...AL
Yea Al!!! Wheat allergies could be the ultimate answer...and you are one brave soul for trying to figure that out....It's amazing to me how food can affect how we feel, but it surely does...Don't forget to get that daily exercise...that surely helps..Sloppy wet dog kisses will also do wonders.
ReplyDeleteStick to that diet. I have been on a strict diet for a few months. It is horrible passing up my favorite items but life is easier once you get used to it. Takes some strong will power and finding some munchies to replace the regular stuff will help with the cravings.
ReplyDeleteFood can definitely cause all kinds of problems. There are a lot of wheat free products on the market now but good luck finding them in the wilds of AZ! Just for your info, A&W will give you a burger with no bun as will Wendys. It's not quite as tasty but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the new diet and I hope everything works out for you.
good luck with the wheat free eating regime..sounds like it is going to be a learning curve!!
ReplyDeleteGood job on the photos and the descriptions.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the new diet. My aunt has wheat allergies and found that many, many restaurants have wheat free selections, they're just not on the menu. Just have to ask.
ReplyDeleteMy 2 yr old granddaughter has wheat and dairy allergies. I don't think the wheat is severe as I once shared a few Pita chips with her until the 4 yr old saw it and told me they contained wheat. (Nothing terrible happened). There is a pasta she can eat and it is terrible - very rubbery. I'm glad I don't have any allergies that I know of, but of course they can come on you at any time. Good luck with the diet.
ReplyDeleteFor me it is wine, particularly red wine. If I drink it my knees hurt. If I stay away from it they don't. A bit of gouty arthritis. But I've said that before. I'm just aware of it today because I indulged this weekend!
ReplyDeleteI know better.
Re: Groaner's Corner -- I went through a Tucson summer while pregnant and I though my baby would be born hard boiled! Should have tried the crushed ice... but there were a few milkshakes consumed!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the new diet. It may not be easy but it'll be worth it!
Depression is a mental condition that requires a clinical diagnosis. It’s not correct to say that it’s human nature and the many faces of depression are gathered together in varying degrees by each and every one of us. What is your source for that statement? Individuals have different moods but that is a far cry from clinical depression. One of the known traits of people who suffer from depression is a need to believe that everyone else does too. It is not true.
ReplyDeleteGood for you and Kelly for being proactive regarding your diet. You have mentioned several times this summer how tired and listless you have felt at times. Maybe you're on to something. Take care and thanks for sharing this stuff on your blog. Might even help someone else!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDelete"It’s not correct to say that it’s human nature and the many faces of depression are gathered together in varying degrees by each and every one of us. What is your source for that statement? Individuals have different moods but that is a far cry from clinical depression."
Al did write "In my opinion, no one is immune from depression in one form or another. It’s human nature, and the many faces of depression are gathered together in varying degrees by each and every one of us."
To the "Anonymous Poster" everyone is entitled to their own opinion....IMO..Lol.
I had my own bout with depression; it started when the Bayfield Bunch blog went on hiatus for 4 days. LOL Glad your back Al and hope you find your way back to the warm sunny southwest ASAP!
I find it curious how most, if not all "Anonymous" commenters either don't know how to read, or are severely lacking in comprehension skills.
Oh no! What about peanut butter and jelly?
ReplyDeleteAl, your delay in travel plans could be playing a big part in your present health condition. Most are always happiest when they are doing what they love best and for you being on the road is what you love. You may find that your depression and "wheat" allergy will dissipate when you are back on the road. Just a thought. SJW is a great mood stabilizer among other things.
ReplyDeleteMy 5 y/o granddaughter has several food allergies = eggs, apples, dairy, peanuts, shellfish, and Yes, Gluten (wheat, barley, rye and oats). When she is off her diet there are signs of depression. Even 5 y/o's can have depression. Also if she eats gluten there are dark circles under her eyes and stomach distress.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter has found there are lots of products that are gluten free. Even PIZZA! Imagine a pizza crust not made of wheat and cheeseless cheese on top.
There is bread and pasta made from rice. Not really all that bad even if the cost is.
Thanks for keeping your blog HONEST.
Had dinner with some friends last night at a hamburger joint in town. He is on a gluten free diet and brings his own toasted bread to put his hamburger and fixin's on and gives his wife the buns to take care of. So go ahead and have your Micky D's just bring your own bread. Happy trails.
ReplyDeleteHubby and I went totally gluten-free about a year and a half ago. It was (practically) life-changing. NO knee pain anymore (depsite battling it for 15 years), NO PMS anymore (many more years). Really made a difference. Still to the diet and be strict (no gluten at all) for at least 1-2 months to see if it makes a difference to you.
Hubby and I went totally gluten-free about a year and a half ago. It was (practically) life-changing. NO knee pain anymore (depsite battling it for 15 years), NO PMS anymore (many more years). Really made a difference. Still to the diet and be strict (no gluten at all) for at least 1-2 months to see if it makes a difference to you.