After publishing my Wednesday night post Pheebs & I took ourselves for a drive into Bayfield. With darkness upon us earlier each evening now I thought I'd try my hand at photographing a few buildings on main street. With summer’s season over & tourists once again out of the village Bayfield has returned to her proper self & it's a self that I so much prefer & have always liked & loved. Main street wasn't choked with parked or driving cars & with the absence of chatter in the air Bayfield’s street was serene in it's silence. Hardly a sole to be found anywhere. Couple eateries open but they were very quiet with only a few folks enjoying a peaceful late evening meal. I walked freely on the wide street with my camera & tripod setting up here & there for an occasional photo. No hassles or interruptions anywhere. My kinda world & I couldn't help think to myself, 'now why can't it be like this all the time'. Of course I know why it can’t but I do like to occasionally pose those hypothetical questions to my mind now & again just to annoy myself.
Pheebs & I did the pine forest trail this morning & how nice to once again walk in a forest free of insects & bugs. Only sounds along our way were a variety of birds all busily tweeting each other about their upcoming migration plans.
It was also our semi-monthly mobile coffee get together for my good friend Richard & I. My turn to drive & again it was 2 hours well spent as we toured a few roads north of Goderich & Ben Miller. There is a beach north of Goderich along the Lake Huron shoreline that Richard used to go to many years ago & I had been there once back in the late 70's & again 2 summer's ago with Pheebs one day for a walk on that beach. As far back as Richard could remember it was always open to the public. I suggested to Richard this morning that we take a drive up there & check out the beach. Turned off highway 21 & followed the gravel road half a mile to the edge of a woods. The old path to the beach was pretty over grown & we did have a bit of difficulty picking our way through the cedar underbrush down a steep & slippery slopping incline. Minutes later an ATV comes down behind & beside us on some kind of road we hadn't even seen. ATV pulls up in front of us about 30 feet & the guy gets off walks toward us & tells us we're on private property. Told us he paid 2 million dollars for this whole section of land 2 years ago & we were on ‘HIS’ land!!!!!!! We did apologize & tried to explain we didn't know that but we could tell this fella was 'put out' about us being there. At least he let us walk back up the ATV road he had put in. Halfway to the Jeep we did see a no trespassing sign on that road & we agreed he should have put that sign at the top end of the gravel road. But imagine that, at our age…………. two old easy going retired Geezers out for a morning coffee getting busted for trespassing!!
With today's long awaited & anticipated cool refreshing weather upon us I was energized both mentally & physically go ahead & tackle the job of changing the anode rod in our rig's hot water heater. Don, the Big EEE's former owner had left us with oodles of spare parts & one of those parts was a new anode rod still in it's package. Richard had lent me an adaptor for my socket wrench so away I went. Should have read the package first where it says when loosening the old rod don't stand in front of it. I stood in front of it. Seconds later I was totally soaked as the pressure blew a big blast of water all over me. Lesson learned. Despite my past record of not doing well with mechanical things I did manage to install the new anode rod successfully & yes I even used plumbers tape on the threads. Fired up the water pump, pressurized the lines & by leaks. Well that was a surprise I can tell ya. But a nice surprise for a change:))
Kept myself on the straight & skinny today with a home made bran muffin for breakfast, 3 breaded chicken fingers & a cold slice of pizza for lunch. Supper consisted of a heaping bowl of Kellogg’s Mini-Wheats topped with a dump truck load of Honey Nut Cheerios. And of course an after supper snack saw me with a big whack of peanut butter & honey on a flat bread Tortilla. Groovy:))
And this is my Son Sean’s latest video. He wrote this song, composed & played the music for it then appeared in the video singing with a friend & fellow musician. Song is entitled, Weightless and Empty. Sean says, “This is a song I wrote a few months ago and when it was done, I knew I had to get my good friend Stacey to sing it with me”.
GROANER'S CORNER:(( The trendy dresser fancied himself quite a ladies' man, and was delighted to find a note pinned inside a new shirt. It contained a girl's email address, and asked the recipient to send a photograph. How romantic, he thought to himself, very taken with the idea of this mystery woman so eager to meet him, and promptly sent an email with a photo. Heart aflutter, he opened her response when it arrived. It read, "Thanks for writing. I was just curious to see what kind of guy would buy such a goofy shirt."
Call to the local newspaper's classified editor: "I have a complaint about an ad I placed." "I'm so sorry, sir. What was the problem?" "You'd think a newspaper in a rural community like this one would have people on staff who had spent some time on a farm. What I said was 'ewes'. E-W-E-S." "Pardon?" "Ewes. It makes a difference to some people." "I don't follow." "The ad in the paper read: "Sheep for sale - USED."
Kelly leaves and you get busted ! Go figure. Lol
ReplyDeleteYour night pictures just reinforce what a beautiful town you live by.
Makes us want a visit there. Good post. 😊
Your night photos are awesome! If I'm ever up that late (when it gets dark) I think I'll try getting some night-time shots. Sorry you got busted.... at least you didn't have to be bailed out of jail.
ReplyDeleteMakes you wonder what is hidden in the $2 mill block of land...Bit suspect. .night pics are outstanding - your sons video is very touching - great lyrics
ReplyDeleteWe to have been to Bayfeild off season and so much more peaceful than the summer crowds. Excellent pics.
ReplyDeleteYou made homemade muffins? Thats out character for you Al. Or did you just eat the ones Kelly left for you?
Yep, it was 1 of 3 Kelly left for me.
DeleteNice group of evening pictures! Good lighting. And wouldn't it be nice if we could eat like that all the time!
ReplyDeleteWhy did the ram run off the cliff?
ReplyDelete'Cause he didn't see the ewe turn!
I can relate to your experience on the "private" land. I think it is too bad that people with money can buy property on lakes that I would think belong to all of us, and fence the " poor" people out. We saw that on Lake Michigan. We enjoyed going to a campground there for a couple of years. Then, on our next visit, lo and behold, many of our favorite places were fenced off & having mansions built with private docks. Sometime later, we went to a campground near Thunder Bay. On the map, it was very close to Lake Superior. Yes, but when we got there we discovered that we had to drive MANY miles to find a place where we could even approach the water. All the shoreline was in private hands.
ReplyDeleteLoved the song!
ReplyDeleteI have a problem with Bill. When he sees a No Trespassing Sign, he wants to know what they're hiding.
ReplyDeleteThe land owner sounds like a ocmplete jerk. He just had to let yu know he paid $2Million for the land, did he? People like that really test my patience.
ReplyDeleteWhat a jerk of a land owner. This is the difference between Norway and North America. In Norway ANYONE may access privately owned land as long as it is not fenced in and in a certain distance from any houses.
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures of Bayfield's nice buildings. A real pretty town.
I like what Peter + Beatrix said - that sounds like a great idea. But if people CAN buy land near water, the property owner should put more signs around. That particular man does sound like a jerk. :)
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed the music. I did not hear all the words, but it sounded like it works for all sorrows. Anyway, I thought about mine.