Friday, February 19, 2021


Some come here for the words I write

Others come here for the pictures I take
I come here to feel alright
I come here to take a break

My keyboard is worn my fingers slow
My eyesight is waning but it is ahead I go
With doggy beside me and camera in hand
It is daily together we travel this land

If you read my blog and it passes some time
And I have entertained you with this rhyme
Then for both of us let me say
Thank you for giving me another day

 A policeman brought four boys before a judge.  "They were causing an awful lot of commotion at the zoo, your Honor," he said.  "Boys," said the judge sternly, "I never like to hear reports of juvenile delinquency.
Now I want each of you to tell me your name and what you were doing wrong."
"My name is George," said the first boy, "and I threw peanuts into the elephant pen."  "My name is Pete," said the second boy, "and I threw peanuts into the elephant pen."  "My name is Mike," said the third boy, "and I threw peanuts into the elephant pen."  "My name is Peanuts," said the fourth boy.

Good news, the Lego store has reopened.  People are lined up for blocks!


  1. Remarkable! You have such great hidden skills! Unique pictures too.

  2. Look forward to your blog each day, lovely pics, love Pheebs and love you! Been following you since before your Arizona days with the other fur kids! You are doing great surviving the winter there in Canada!

  3. A recent reader of your blog, but I enjoy it and look forward to it every day.

  4. Excellent!! Keep up the good work. Enjoy everything.

  5. Loving your blog for many years, and loving you for giving so freely. Neat how you wax poetic once in a while. You managed to turn what could have been a down day into a happy one, 😃😃

  6. Your nightly blog helps me relax before bedtime by purging all the negativity I may collect during the day. Thanks! Great photos and narratives, great groaners, and comics, and now POEMS! Awesome!

  7. I look forward to your spectacular photos and interesting writing every single day. I can't do what you do,so Thank you!

  8. We said Al. I have not missed a Blog in over ten years. Just don't always leave comments. Always looking forward to what you've been up to.
    Now you can add Poetry to your Resume.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  9. Cute little rhyme there Mate...Health & happiness to all three of you...stay warm!

  10. Always enjoy your blogging adventures and pictures, Al. Keep on keeping on. Stay warm!

  11. always my last RV blogger post for the evening - thank you so much for lovely pix and interesting observations on so many different topics.

  12. You're a poet, and I didn't know it. Thought of you when I saw this today:
    Tim Horton's is EVERYWHERE. Is it open yet in Bayfield? Must be avoiding Texas for some reason. I can understand that.

  13. I come for both pictures and words. Your pictures brighten my day and you words can inlighten or make me laugh. Thank You

  14. Al, thank you for giving us another day!

  15. I read your blog every day. It’s always so interesting and though provoking. Your photos are among, if not, the best. Thanks you for all you put into it.

  16. Love your blog. Your photos are beautiful, thanks for being there.

  17. You are a man of many talents. You keep surprising us.

  18. I come here every day some days I am early so I wait never disappointed and always feel grateful that you are willing to share Thanks Al

  19. Beautiful poem! It represents you perfectly. Thank you for all your posts.

  20. What a wonderful poem. It describes you and Thebes beautifully. You have an amazing talent.

  21. Wonderful ol' gifted one! Love the pics as well, lovely bookends for your words.
