If we can't laugh at ourselves and find the humorous side of our beings I think it is maybe a sad statement about our well-being. With the way things are in the world at the moment, it is more important than ever to try and find a glimmer of humor somewhere. It is an increasingly fine line I walk with Groaner's Corner each day treading lightly so as not to step on all the raw nerve endings lying about these days, mine included. When I first started Groaner's Corner back in the summer of 2009 I set a few guidelines for myself. I would not post any jokes with swearing or off-color sexual content. No, I'm not a prude but I didn't feel my blog was the place for jokes like that. In this highly charged political era, I have also learned to stay away from political jokes as well simply because of the angered negativity it brings out in so many people. I once questioned religious jokes and had a reader email to say, "keep them coming because I print them and put them on our church's bulletin board where most everybody gets a laugh out of them". I thought to myself, now there's a congregation of people with the right attitude who are able to have a light-hearted chuckle at life. How sad if we can't somehow see the humorous side of our stumbles, foibles, misadventures, mistakes, and conditions. Having blogged about depression over the years I well know the need for humor in our lives. So what's the solution? Scrap Groaner's Corner because a particular joke might offend someone somewhere or keep it going knowing most people will see and understand the humor for what it is. A fleeting moment of relief to ease one's troubled mind. A ray of humor is always welcome in these dark days whether it comes in the form of a joke, a quip from a quick-witted friend, an old Happy Days TV show, a puppy dog doing somersaults, or a current stand-up comedian who can actually do his or her entire skit without all the usual swearing and accompanying cheesy sex jokes. I wonder how many remember how Red Skelton made us laugh years ago. Hey, remember Flip Wilson, Tim Conway and Don Knotts. So, I will continue to walk my thin line with Groaner's Corner each day with no intentional ill intent for anyone. If you can't find the honest humor in the jokes and cartoons I post and you can't have an occasional laugh at yourself or at me, I suggest you probably should spend some time reading about Quantum Physics or learning about the Riemann hypothesis, P versus NP problem, or Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture. How about the Hodge conjecture, Navier-Stokes equation versus the Yang-Mills theory, and Poincaré conjecture. Not too much humor in that stuff I should think. Good luck, keep smiling, and try to find yourself a little extra laughter along the way in these difficult times..............
GROANER'S CORNER:(( One night, a lady stumbled into the police station with a black eye. She claimed she heard a noise in her backyard and went to investigate. The next thing she knew, she was hit in the eye and knocked out cold. An officer was sent to her house to investigate, and he returned 1-1/2 hours later with a black eye. "Did you get hit by the same person?" his captain asked. "No," he replied. "I stepped on the same rake." ---------------------------------
As the saying goes...you can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time. I like your jokes.
ReplyDeleteAt the end of a long hectic day, I can always count on your groaners,because yes, I am a prude and so I never have to worry about inappropriate content. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI, The Old Fat Man, have read every blog you have posted during the life of your blog and also read every groaner that was put out. NEVER EVER have you come close to offending me or any other negative thought. Sometimes it has scared me how close it comes to my reality but never offended to the smallest extent. Thank you for your efforts over the years.
ReplyDeleteIf I'm in a hurry, sometimes the only thing I read are your jokes. So keep them coming. Phil in Phoenix
ReplyDeleteAl some days you're the only bright thing in my day. I always look forward to your blog and the groaner's conner is the icing on the cake. Please don't stop. I do have to say Pheebe's is the star.
ReplyDeleteDon't always read your Groans but some are so funny I have to send them to Dolly. Same with the comics. Keep them coming. I know a good one when I read it.đŸ˜„
ReplyDeleteYour Groaners are always a bright spot in my evening - especially when I laugh out loud at them. Keep them coming.
ReplyDeleteKeep Graoners Corner going makes my day
ReplyDeleteAlways read your blog after reading news feeds! So the day isnt so dark! Nothing at ALL offensive there. Some days also I make me a cup of little timmy Hortons coffee, doesnt ever taste as good here in Texas as Canada!
ReplyDeleteKeep up the great blog!
Love your Groaners Corner!
ReplyDeleteAnother blogger will sometimes post "redneck" jokes. Well, my husband is a redneck and I call myself a Mexican redneck. There have been some jokes that I "could" find to be offensive. But I "choose" not to be offended. Everyday we have to make choices and I choose laughter. We all know that Pheebs and your photos are the stars of your blog. But I enjoy it when you become introspective and share your thoughts. Thank you. Elva Shannon
ReplyDeleteDuring these dark days, I look forward to your blog AND the jokes! Thanks.