Saturday, February 03, 2024


Well, I guess my first mistake of the day was believing the weatherman when he said we would have sunny periods beginning Friday afternoon.  That didn't happen.  My second mistake was in believing the same weatherman when he said skies would clear overnight.  That didn't happen.  Then he said skies would begin to clear late Saturday morning.  That didn't happen either.  I think we need a new weatherman!!!!  But wait......what is that I see in the sky to the southwest late this afternoon.  Something bright beginning to peer through the thinning cloud cover.  Could it be a UFO, a UAP, is it a bird, is it a plane????  Noooooo, it's 'SUPERSUN':)))))

Five years ago today we were boondocked on Yellowbird Road near Bouse, Arizona.  On our morning Jeep ride, Pheebs and I found some Army Tanks And A Mine Shaft.

Al's Music Box:)) Fools Rush In is a popular song with lyrics written by Johnny Mercer and the music by Rube Bloom.  In 1963, Rick Nelson recorded his version, which was included in his Rick Nelson Sings "For You" LP and was an enormous hit, reaching #12 on the Billboard pop chart and #24 on the Hot R&B Singles chart. This recording became the most well liked version of this song.

GROANER'S CORNER:(( A student at a management school came up to a pretty girl and hugged her without any warning.  The surprised girl said, “What was that?”  The guy smiled at her, “Direct marketing!”  The girl slapped him soundly.  “What was that?!” said the boy, holding his cheek.  “Customer feedback.”

I made a beginner’s mistake and went shopping on an empty stomach. I am now the happy owner of aisle 7.

When I drink coffee I can’t sleep.  Really? I have the exact opposite.  Wow, seriously?  Yes, when I sleep I can’t drink coffee.

The doctor says to his patient at the end of a checkup, “OK, let’s do a stress tolerance test. Nurse, the bill please.”

Two company owners are chatting, “You know John, I’m really impressed with your staff’s work morale. How on Earth do you do it that they’re always on time in the mornings, many even early?”  John says, “It’s simple really. I have 25 employees – so I built a parking lot with 20 spaces.”





  1. We had Five Minutes of that bright light. Hopefully we'll all see more of it soon.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Yellowbird Rd was one of the best boondocking spots!

  3. That jeep trip in Bouse looked like I would have enjoyed too. However, my heart rate would have gone up quite a bit if I had crawled into that mine shaft.

  4. I love your "blast from the past" posts! Thanks for taking us back to fun days in the desert!

  5. Glad Mr Sun made a brief appearance - always brings a smile this time of year!
