Sunday, January 12, 2025


With just one inattentive simple little tap of my finger on the mouse I instantly deleted all my 42 morning photos off my camera card.  Darn, and I think I had some nice sunrise photos too:((  What you see tonight are a few file photos from last year around this time.

I think I may have somehow dodged an Amazon bullet.  Kelly used her credit cards for most everything so I never used mine much for anything and of course that led to a big problem for me.  I'm not much for buying things online but my Kindle was set up 15 years with Kelly's name and credit card.  Of course, after she passed away that made her credit card void.  I don't know when it was a few weeks ago that I realized I was now dead in the water with getting any more Kindle books.  Had my great reading hobby suddenly come to an end.  And, what about my Kindle Library?  Would all my books be gone too?  I was at a loss about what to do, and then I remembered Kelly making online changes to the Amazon account occasionally and thought hummmm, maybe I can figure that out.  Ya right!!  So, I went to the Amazon site after amazingly finding the password.  But,I had a heck of time trying to get my name on the Amazon account with my own credit card which was but expired anyway.  At one point I got an Amazon security message saying somebody was messing with the account or something.  Well ya Jack, that was me!!  Then another message saying, the Amazon account would be terminated if the monthly 'Amazon Prime' wasn't paid.  I thought I had it straightened out so I ordered a cheap book ($1.99) to see if it worked but Amazon sent a message saying the expiry date on the credit card was no good and I should check with my bank.  I had planned to go there last week but in the meantime, another email from Amazon said my book purchase had been approved.  I quickly opened my Kindle and sure enough there it was.  The biggest piece of luck in all this was that I miraculously found the correct Amazon password to even get into the account in the first place.  I think Kelly had something to do with that.  So then, buoyed by my success I thought I'd try to purchase something online so I tried ordering some hard-to-find #1 coffee filters.  Nope, Amazon wouldn't do it.  Said somebody was messing with my account again.  Awe come on!!!!  So, back to my Amazon account I went and nervously changed a few more things and tried again for the coffee filters.  That was five days ago.  Yesterday I heard a car door slam so got up to look out the window and saw a dark mini-van exiting our driveway.  Say, you don't suppose...... I opened the front door and peeked out and by golly there was a small brown package laying on the porch.  Could it be??  Yes, it could and there inside after opening the package sat two small green and red boxes of Melita #1 coffee filters.  OMG, I did something and it worked.  Oh boy oh boy, I thought.  Now I can get me a new pair of them there green city slicker shoes, a new leather saddle for a horse I don't have, half a dozen new checkered shirts, a round trip ticket to Aruba and back, thirty-three cases of peanut butter, a snowmobile suit, and a new Subaru.  Yessireee, I'm a-cookin' now.  Today, two boxes of coffee filters....tomorrow the Moon.

A Blast From Our Past:(( I have reposted the following post three or four times over the years but it has been a while, and I have maybe gained a few readers since then so here it is again.  'Dumb And Dumber' At Hickiwan Trails, Arizona

Al's Music Box:)) True is a song by English pop band Spandau Ballet, released in April 1983 as the title track and third single from their third studio album. It was written by the band's lead guitarist and principal songwriter Gary Kemp to express his feelings for Altered Images lead singer Clare Grogan. Kemp was influenced musically by the songs of Marvin Gaye and Al Green he was listening to at the time, and lyrically by Green and the Beatles. "True" reached number one on the UK singles chart in April 1983 and made the top 10 in several other countries, including the US, where it became their first song to reach the Billboard Hot 100.  Kemp wanted to shift the sound of Spandau Ballet into soul and incorporated band member Steve Norman's newfound interest in the saxophone into his writing; the band also updated its look to suits for the song's music video and tour. "True" was recorded with most of the other tracks from the album at Compass Point Studios in the Bahamas. The True album was released as its second single, "Communication", was climbing the UK Singles Chart. DJs were so enthusiastic about playing the title song that the band knew it would be their next single. The song has since become the band's signature hit. It has been covered by Paul Anka in a swing style, and used in films such as Sixteen Candles and 50 First Dates, as well as a few TV series such as Modern Family.

GROANER'S CORNER:(( A businessman dragged himself home and barely made it to his chair before he dropped exhausted.  His sympathetic wife was right there with a tall cool drink and a comforting word. "My, you look tired," she said. "You must have had a hard day today. What happened to make you so exhausted?"  "It was terrible," her husband said. "The computer broke down and all of us had to do our own thinking."


Why are some fish at the bottom of the ocean?  Because they dropped out of school!

The more I get to know people...The more I realize why Noah let only animals on the boat.

Q: How many divorced men does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None, because they never get the house!


An guy called the airport for flight information. "How long is your flight from Los Angeles to Denver?” he asked. "Just a minute," the pleasant agent replied. "Thank You" he said and hung up.


The newlywed wife said to her husband when he returned from work, "I have great news for you. Pretty soon, we're going to be three in this house instead of two." Her husband ran to her with a smile on his face and delight in his eyes.  He was glowing of happiness and kissing his wife when she said, "I'm glad that you feel this way since tomorrow morning, my mother moves in with us."


Al's Doggy World


Kellys Corner


Al's Art Gallery


  1. Al, you know I love your blog and never miss a post. The always beautiful photos, the groaners, the music, Kelly's Corner, and that "Meanings" section that you sneaked in there, along with the dogs. Just want to caution you, in case you aren't aware, that there are frequently scam emails about your Amazon account. They tell you that you need to change something or other, that a card has expired, etc. I had one just this morning, but realized immediately that it was scam; had the same one last week! I just delete, and only do any changing directly through Amazon.

  2. Be sure and check any incoming emails for spelling errors. That's a sign it's a scam email too.

  3. Kelly's card will expire-check date on card. Maybe by then you can open your own acc't with Amazon! I'm also a reader on Kindle!

  4. Al, I'm glad you managed to straighten out the whole Amazon issue!
    That hiking photo of
    Kelly is beautiful.I hope you and Pheebs keep your time together as a special part of your lives,-Mary

  5. Today the coffee filters - tomorrow? Who knows? Watch out. Amazon is addictive.

  6. Awww....darn that silly finger that deleted your photos! You'll just have to get out there tomorrow and get 'em again *grin*. Silly Amazon! I've had the same issues with them now and then. Glad you got your coffee filters, but yes, it is difficult to change a credit card on Amazon...easier just to use the old one and change the expiry date, but of course not if that was Kelly's card. Tomorrow, the moon!

  7. Al don’t bother to change the account leave the account in Kelly’s name just go to the The part that says, do you want to add another card…. and then just add yours. All you have to do … then … is make yours the default.. If you’re unsure when you order something… it’ll ask you which account you want to use. Just remember to click on yours. Just keep in mind, everything That will be sent to You …. will have her name 💋 on it.

  8. I had totally forgotten about your ranch-sitting days. That must have been when I started reading your stories. Thanks for reminding me and take Care!

  9. Those little victories feel pretty darn good!! I've only deleted one day's photos at Dinosaur NP and it was the worst feeling :-( Love the yin yang horses to start the post. That piece above the rainbow waves feels like Kelly to me.
