Just didn't feel comfortable with the television mount we had used for our new 23" flat screen television. It had a plastic type bushing in one of the joints that I just could not tighten up enough to stop the television from tipping too far down. Also felt there was a significant strain on that mount despite it saying that it was good for up to about 33 pounds. Our television weighs in at 24 pounds. To ease my concern I picked up a heavier all steel mount last Saturday morning at, The Source, (formally Radio Shack) & swapped the old one (from Wal-Mart) out. New mount is good for 40 pounds. TV is now much sturdier & I feel more comfortable with the all steel construction & the different way the joints are engineered. It seems I always have to do things back asswards all the time:(( It lends credibility to my earlier post about having somebody else do stuff if I want it done right!! The photo shows the newer mount.

Awhile back when I started up the motorhome to run the engine for a bit I noticed the digital odometer cluster was not legible. This is the computer driven little device that gives you info like how many miles you are getting to the gallon, how many miles of fuel left in the gas tank, trip meter, plus a host of other technical info. To make a long story short, we found out that these clusters made by the Actia company have faulty software in them & many people with the Chevy Workhorse Chassis like ours have had to replace them. Some folks have been lucky enough to get it done under warranty, but of course, not us:(( In fact when I re-registered the motorhome with Workhorse a few months ago we found out that our coaches cluster had already been replaced once in 2005. It's been quite a run around but after many phone calls to local dealers, Workhorse in Arizona, & finally to the Actia company itself in Elkhart Indiana we're finally getting the problem solved as how to go about getting it fixed. I guess I should say Kelly is getting the problem solved because she is the one who makes all the phone calls. To make an even longer story even shorter.............the cluster is in transit right now & UPS should be delivering it to-morrow. Our motorhome is scheduled to go in for servicing shortly so we'll have the garage do the cluster switch. It certainly has not been cheap!! $354 for the cluster & we had a call from UPS at the border to-day saying it's going to be another $107 for taxes & duty to bring it into Canada. Had we known that we might just have simply stopped in Elkhart Indiana on our way south this year & picked it up ourselves. Oh well, so much for the old saying about the older we get, the wiser we get. Ya right!!!!