Saturday, October 28, 2023


A definite drop in our temperature overnight as a cold front moved in.  I'm guessing yesterday's 70F was the last comfortably warm day of the year and it's not likely we'll hit that temperature mark again until maybe six or seven months from now in mid to late May next year.

With a slightly cold and rainy drizzle in the air, Pheebs and I slipped into Bayfield and back without stopping anywhere for a walk.  We are now past the peak of our Autumn colors and leaves are falling.  It won't be long and the countryside will transform from October's beautiful Autumn colors to November's stark grays, muddy browns, and dark moody skies.  For many folks in this climate zone, including me, November can be the most depressing month of the year.  So, brace yourselves my fellow depressers for those cold and dark sodden days ahead.


Tucked into my sunroom recliner reading this afternoon I became aware of a slight brightening in our grey cloudy day.  Moments later, a ray of sunshine alighted on my right arm and slowly moved across my lap.  I could feel my batteries charging and within ten minutes Pheebs and I were out the door walking in sunshine around the Park's pond and back.  Just in time too, as clouds once again closed in and re-darkened the day.  Not to be daunted, and while my batteries were still in charge mode, I lifted the wooden trap door in our front deck, dropped myself rather clumsily through the hole, and proceeded to wiggle around and turn our outside water valve off underneath our unit.  I am already looking forward to the day when I can again return back down through that trap door and wiggle my way under our unit again to turn the water back on.  After that little job was done this afternoon it was out with our leaf blower and I blew all the leaves off our front porch and deck.  I followed that up with more leaf raking.  Later, with a comfortable feeling of usefulness of having accomplished something, I finally slipped back into our warm and cozy little house where Kelly was busy in the kitchen fixin us up something yummy for supper.  I like when that happens:))            

Ellen's Groove:))  A short clip of Ellen's progress. Come On, Come Over.

Al's Music Box:)) Against The Wind by Bob Seger from his 1980 album, 'Against The Wind'.  Seger pulled from his high school years as a cross-country runner to form the song's title–a metaphor for growing old. The song includes backing vocals from Eagles singer-songwriter Glenn Frey. Seger and Frey had met in the mid-1960s when they were both working the Detroit club scene and had remained close since.  A year prior, Seger co-wrote and made a guest appearance on the Eagles' "Heartache Tonight".

GROANER'S CORNER:(( How do you decide who to marry? (written by kids)

You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. -- Alan, age 10

No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all the way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with. -- Kristen, age 10

What is the right age to get married? Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person forever by then. -- Camille, age 10

How can a stranger tell if two people are married? You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids. -- Derrick, age 8

What do you think your Mom and Dad have in common? Both don't want any more kids. -- Lori, age 8

What do most people do on a first date? Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough. -- Lynnette, age 8 (isn't she a treasure)

On the first date, they just tell each other lies and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date. -- Martin, age 10

What would you do on a first date that was turning sour? I'd run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in all the dead columns. -- Craig, age 9

When is it okay to kiss someone? When they're rich. -- Pam, age 7

The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with that. - - Curt, age 7

The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It's the right thing to do. -- Howard, age 8

Is it better to be single or married? It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them. -- Anita, age 9 (bless you child)

How would the world be different if people didn't get married?There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there? -- Kelvin, age 8

How would you make a marriage work? Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck. -- Ricky, age 10

Sixty may be the new forty but the $100 dollar bill is the new $20 dollar bill.



  1. This might be a good time for you to get your ,"keep me from getting depressed" lights out,Al.
    I think if we are pro-active in keeping ourselves from . letting the seasons changing get us down then we might be able to enjoy the entire year,Mary

  2. Yes, as the Furry Gnome said....Having lived in upstate NY for a while when I was young and enjoyed the winter with beautiful snow, I've often thought of it all these many years I've been back in north central TX. Yes, here the days can be warm in January...once in a while, shirt sleeves, once in a while, a brief zero degrees. But mostly, it's just brown and beige. From November through March, with February the worst. I can use my imagination, but it's still hard to get my head around the idea of your winter being so difficult. That's probably because I was YOUNG when I experienced it. At any rate, you find the beauty in your photos, even in the darkest Feb days, so thank you.

  3. Yes, I agree with Deb, one of my favorite Bob Seager songs.

  4. Ellen's a little giggle pot! What a talented child!! I can see why you're not looking forward to November..... all that beauty gone.

  5. Love the red Sumac picture! Thank you! Have a couple Bob Seger CD'S.
    Roll Me Away is a good "road trip" song!
