Sunday, March 22, 2009



Despite my seemingly gruff outward appearance at times, I am a big softy at heart in many ways. I could feel the twinge of sadness begin as soon as I stepped out of the motorhome this morning. My two best ranch pals Gleason & Pearce came running over as they do every morning as soon as they see either Kelly or I. Tails wagging, jumping & playing. Gleason rolls over on her back for big tummy rub while Pearce snuggles up as close as he can get for big smooches on the nose. This goes on periodically all day long as we cross paths here & there on the ranch property. The sadness comes from knowing we will only be here one more day & I am going to miss my new best pals more than anything else. ANOTHER PEACEFUL MORNING WALK

It was a beautiful morning & we had our side door wide open from 6:30 on. Sunlight played across the distant Mule Mountains between cloud patterns & flocks of birds were in full spring song. I kept looking over at the mountains on our walk trying to imprint on my mind the beauty I was seeing. We don't have mountains on our morning walks where we live in Ontario so these memories are going to have to last me awhile until we return once more, one day, to our beloved American Southwest. DAPPLED MORNING SUNLIGHT ON THE MULE MOUNTAINS

Ingrid & Tom dropped Corky off (their big black Lab) about 9 so it was more snuggles & wagging tails. Sometimes I get down on the ground with the guys & it's dogs, dogs, everywhere flying around upside down. It's no wonder dogs are referred to as man's best friends. That sure has been the case in my life & I am very thankful for that. I'M GONNA GO OVER THERE & CATCH ME A CHICKEN!!

I saw Checkers whisper something in Corky's ear this afternoon & it wasn't long & the two of them had the chickens out to play. We hastily rounded up the ladies but not before our little Motormouse got in on the action taking a big run right into the midst of them. The birds just simply flapped themselves up & out of the way while the little Motormouse skidded headlong into the chicken wire fence shortening her nose up even more. She picked herself up, dusted herself off & beat a hasty retreat for the motorhome amidst a lot of feathered clucking sounds that sounded an awful lot like laughter to me. To save the chickens any further undo stress & exercise we put them in their main pen where the door has a latch & is Checkerproof. AND WE'RE GONNA MISS YOU GUYS TOO

Spent a lot of time reading this afternoon because I wanted to finish up my Walter Cronkite book before we leave. The book is entitled, A Reporters Life & was a bit heavy reading in spots for me but I did make it through cover to cover. He sure reveals the shady side of politics over the years & the game playing that goes on behind closed doors both in politics & the media. It doesn't leave you with a lot of trust in your fellow man. With all the ongoing Wall Street scandals it must be very difficult for a man of principle like Walter Cronkite, coming from a different era & morals to even begin to comprehend what has happened to the world he once knew & loved. MORNING CLEAN UP AROUND THE HAY BALES

Kelly is reading a book at the moment called, The Evolution Angel by Dr. Michael Abrams that sounds interesting. One line in the book goes something like, "we are not human beings going through life having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings going through life having a human experience." When I heard that, a dim light flickered on in my dense fog of understanding & I thought to myself, now there's something that finally makes a bit of sense to me. INGRID & TOM AT THE LONGHORN

When Ingrid & Tom returned from Sierra Vista this afternoon they invited us over to the Longhorn in Elfrida for supper. They are an interesting & kindly couple. Ingrid is a German lady who escaped the firebombing of Dresden during the second world war & fled Germany with members of her family narrowly avoiding capture by the Russians. She eventually made her way to America. Tom was in the Amercian Airborne 82nd Division during the war. Seems unlikely that a German girl & an American soldier would ever end up someday married for over 50 years but that's just what happened & it has been nice knowing them & hearing of their adventures over the years. Corky was in their truck waiting when we left so I blew him a smooch & waved good-bye. He was looking very sad............ & so was I:(( HE WAS LOOKING VERY SAD.....AND SO WAS I

It's windy to-night so that could mean a restless sleep for us. To-morrow will be final preparations for leaving Tuesday morning & I'll hitch the car up later to-morrow afternoon.
It will be a sad departure but I know once we make the turn onto Interstate 10 about an hour & some north of here my mind-set will change & the excitement of the open road will take over & my focus will be on the homeward journey. My mind will shift from looking back to looking ahead as we bring the bow into the wind with all sails set for home....................:))

No photos for the web album to-night.


Saturday, March 21, 2009



Well, the most exciting thing we did to-day was take a big bag of garbage to the Elfrida dump this morning. Now, where do I go with the blog from here:(( LOOKING SOUTH INTO MEXICO

Jeannie & Ray will be home sometime Monday so it looks like our departure date will be Tuesday morning bright & early. Secured the bicycles on the back to-day, re-organized some bins & to-morrow morning early I'll clean some windows & mirrors before the big winds roll in. Corky, the big black energy dog comes for the day to-morrow so that will be good for some rollicking tumbles in the grass. MULE MOUNTAINS NEAR BISBEE

Checkers let the chickens out again to-day for about the fourth time but it has turned out not to be a problem. The girls like to come out & strut around in the fresh & newly growing green spring grass. Checkers then goes into the chicken coop & really gives the rooster a good barking too in the next pen. It seems to be the rooster who is the focus of Checkers attention. Could be because the rooster is male & Checkers is acting on the girl's behalf about issues of the past when the rooster may have seemingly had his way with the ladies causing some undue stress & embarrassment in the old hen house. Whatever it is, Checkers has sure been giving the old rooster a piece of her mind!! By the time we leave the old bird may have changed his roguish ways completely. Yesterday was Kelly's last Yoga class & afterwards she got talking with some of the other ladies there. Turns out one of the ladies lives just south of McNeal at a Quakers community. It's an interesting concept they have & I was surprised to hear it was not based on religion. How refreshing!! We took a drive through there on our way back from Elfrida & it looked like quite a peaceful little community. Saw a small flock of Sand Hill Cranes this morning but the bulk of the birds have left for their northern summer quarters. I think some of them go to Nebraska & some of the older birds just fly over to Elfrida & hang around the Longhorn saloon for the summer. THE TOMBSTONE HILLS

To-day marks day 44 for us at the ranch & that is by far the longest we have ever stayed in one location. It also marks 101 days since having to pay for a campsite. At an average of $23 a night we have saved about $2,530.00. That more than pays for our gas here & back plus covers our propane usage for over 4 months plus buys us a fair good bunch of Cracker Barrel meals. Cost of having 2 solar panels plus 4 new batteries & accompanying hardware/software installed by Solar Mike's Sunworks in Slab City California over a year ago was about $3000.00. Our solar installation has already paid for itself because we boondocked 2 months out of last years season too. We can generally do a couple weeks of comfortable boondocking before having to dump tanks & take on water. If it wasn't for having to dump the black tank we could boondock indefinitely because water can always be brought back in containers. SUN IS GOING DOWN OVER SIERRA VISTA ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MULE MOUNTAINS
Just when I thought I didn't have any photos for the blog to-night I was lucky enough to catch another nice sunset going down....................................

No photos for the web album to-night.


Friday, March 20, 2009



It was actually a relief to see clouds this morning because it meant we were going to have a cooler day. Even with A/C going the last few days you just couldn't escape the heat build up in our rig. Windows & blinds closed to keep out old Sol's hot rays but it still gets mighty warm inside. To-day all the windows, vents, & side door are open letting welcomed cooling breezes flow through. Weatherman has issued a wind advisory for Sunday so looks like we're in for another big blow. We Canadians are known for always talking & complaining about the weather so just wanted to clear that up too. IT'S AL ON EARLY MORNING POOPER SCOOPER PATROL

About a week ago I added a widget to the bottom of the blog called, Linkwithin. It's those 3 little pictures of past blogs that may relate somehow to the present day blog above. Might be a little confusing to folks if they click on one from a couple years ago because we were traveling with a tan GMC truck & a white Rockwood 5th wheel at that time. And before that you might see us in small Class C Ford Gulfstream. Noticed that some of the blogs don't have dates on them but if we're in the truck & fifth wheel it will be the 07/08 winter season & if it's the Class C, that is a trip to Big Bend in Texas back in December of 2004. THE LITTLE ALPINE VILLAGE OF BISBEE IS THERE IN THE MULE MOUNTAINS

And a few words for several of our neighbors back home who are going through some very difficult medical problems right now. We are thinking of you & hoping your situations will improve. We'll see you out in the flower gardens soon. TWI-LIGHT AT THE RANCH

These are a quiet final few days here at the ranch before heading home. Kind of like the lull before the impending travel storm. We will take our usual route of about 2,400 miles of Interstates & highways. We have found a route that works well for us & have over the past few years become familiar with the rest stops, traffic hot spots, mountain passes, boondocking spots, & State Parks. Oh yes, & a few Cracker Barrels along the way too. SUNDOWN

No idea how long it will take us because it all depends on the weather at this time of year. Last year we had to hold up in Arkansas for a couple of gloomy wet & rainy days beside a lake waiting for a bad snowstorm west of Memphis to blow itself out. March is a volatile weather month across the country so we really have to pay attention to weather forecasts all the way. Two years ago we got into a bad Michigan storm with our truck & fifth wheel. That was not nice. Ice formed on the fifth wheel adding a lot of weight which in turn set up a bucking motion between the truck & trailer. I could not even hold a cup of coffee without the coffee jumping out the top. Some Interstates are made of cement slabs with a bump at the seams & that just made the bucking worse. By the time we got home the whole back of the truck, hitch, & trailer were coated in ice & I had to go to the local hardware store for a propane torch to thaw out the hitch before I could get the trailer off the truck. That was enough of that & we traded that truck & fifth wheel 3 months later for a motorhome & have never looked back. We love our motorhome.....10-4!! It's now after 8 o'clock at night, the side door & windows are wide open & it's a calm night. Kelly's in the ranch house with Motormouse watching her TV shows, Checkers is laying outside the door on a mat, & Max is already stretched out on my bed. The ranch dogs Gleason & Pearce are out there somewhere in the darkness patrolling the grounds along with Charlie the friendly cat. The chickens are roosting for the night the donkeys & horses are safe in the back 40. And I know the Goldfish in all the drinking troughs are having themselves a quiet night as well. My soothing ambient music is quietly playing away on the satellite radio here in the rig while I'm contentedly working away on the computer putting another daily blog to-gether. Now how much nicer could life be than that eh. My thanks goes out to the people who actually read the blog & give me reason & purpose each day to clear the mind's cobwebs & look for new photos & blog topics. Thanks guys, much appreciated..................................................:)) AND ANOTHER FINE DAY DRAWS TO A CLOSE AT THE RANCH

No photos for the web album to-day.


Thursday, March 19, 2009



We had some DVD's from the Bisbee library to take back before we leave soon so it was off to Bisbee we went this morning. Before we left I spent some time checking the motorhomes tire pressures, oil, trans fluid, radiator fluid, etc. Wanted to get that done early in the morning when the air is still cool & comfortable enough to do things like that. Grabbed a shower & we were westbound for Bisbee by 10. No Mexican back-packs along the way on Frontier road this morning. Got me a real nice fleece lined denim work jacket out the last backpack we found but feel bad for the fellow who lost it by suddenly having to shed his heavy load. If I knew who or where he was I would return the jacket to him but that's not likely to happen. LOOKS LIKE KELLY'S GOT SOME HEAVY READING AHEAD OF HER

First stop in Bisbee was a Thrift store & I actually made it in & out of there without spending my dollar. Next was Safeway for groceries & then off to the Bisbee Breakfast Club for lunch. That is one very busy place & we had to wait a few minutes for a seat. We had heard they have good burgs in there so I immediately went to that section of the menu. Just below the standard burg was something called a Gooie Louie so without further hesitation I knew anything with a name like that has got to be good. And so it was. Topped with mushrooms, onions, & Jim Bean's barb-e-que sauce it had a great flavor. It comes complete with home cut fries on a bed of lettuce, tomatoes, & ucky pickles. I'm not a pickle person!! This was a great burg & lived up well to it's name. Two thumbs up for the BBC's Gooie Louie:)) Kelly had something called a Grilled Coffee Chicken Breast. Don't ask, I have no idea what the coffee has to do with it. She said it was really good & ate the whole darn thing all by herself. BISBEE'S CITY PARK

Next stop was the Library to return the DVDs. Really nice old stone & brick building right in the heart of downtown Bisbee. This is one great little town & the more you get around to see, the greater it gets. You have to drive the narrow hillside streets as well as walk them. Everytime we go there we discover new things. It's hard for me to find the right words to describe this town so if your in the area just go to Bisbee & take a few days to walk the town & it's cliffhanging back streets & alleys. Climb it's thousands of steps, & enjoy it's quaint little cafe's & shoppes. This town is a photographer's paradise. Everything is here. Architecture, color, ambience, nature, landscapes, old cars, characters of all description, flowers, trees, an abundance of old buildings, history, birds, etc. etc. etc. The absolutely rare Abyssinian Asscrather bird has even been seen here nesting in an old sleeping hippies beard. Art studios & crafts are everywhere. Of all the towns & cities I've seen in my lifetime I would have to say Bisbee is at the top of my list as far as interesting places to visit. If I was forced to live in a small town again I would choose Bisbee Arizona & if I was a talented young professional photographer I would definitely make Bisbee my home for awhile & absolutely photograph the complete heck out of the whole darn place. I LOVE THE BOLD COLORS IN THIS TOWN

Last week when we visited the Texas John Slaughter Ranch east of Douglas & forgot to mention something about the road leading to the ranch. It's called The Geronimo Trail & it was the inspiration for Stan Jones's 1948 country hit song, "Ghost Riders In The Sky." I have misplaced the literature but it was along this trail either during or after a thunderstorm that he was inspired to write the song. One of my favs & I have the Vaughn Monroe version in my music library.

Checkers let the chickens out to-day again................................. OUR PHOTO ALBUMS

Wednesday, March 18, 2009



We knew it was hot out to-day when Kelly opened the barb-e-que lid this afternoon & the sun automatically lit the propane burners. Pearce & Gleason, the ranch dogs barricaded themselves in the cool ranch house & refused to come out. And two of the chickens laid fried eggs!! And you know what, it isn't even the hot summer season yet. IN THE GHOST TOWN OF CHARLESTON NEAR SIERRA VISTA JANUARY 28/09

Spent the biggest part of the morning on the computer gathering to-gether scattered emails, notes, & memos. I'm usually kind of well organized but our 3 email accounts had steadily been getting ahead of me. Should have set up a better system before leaving Ontario but fell into that, round-to-it stage so here I am nearly at the end of our trip organizing files that should have been done at the beginning of the trip. Sound familiar?? I came across a lot of people I had been meaning to email & stay in touch with so I've dashed off some quick emails to see if they are still out there amongst the land of the living. I always have a twinge of guilt if I don't get back to someone who has obviously taken some time out of their day to email us. Am hoping by rounding everyone up into the proper corals I'll be able to keep a closer eye on the herd. I enjoy communicating with people on the internet and don't want to leave anyone out. Just wasn't prepared for the number of emails coming in though. But, no excuses!! IN THE GHOST TOWN OF MILLVILLE

Sometimes there are website links from people in the emails, comments, or guest book pages. Some of those websites have music on them when opened. Our Verizon program allows us 5GB a month for bandwidth. Because I upload a lot of photos we just barely squeak under our quota each month & there is a heavy financial penalty if you go over. In order to wiggle under the line we don't listen to or download any music, podcasts, videos, animated jokes & cards, etc. When I hear music on somebody's website I have to turn the site off because I'm worried about using up bandwidth. This is really unfortunate because there are fellow RV'ers & bloggers out there with great sites that we're missing. No problem looking at these sites when we get home because we're on unlimited cable. But no can do while on the road. Came across some this morning while re-organizing & that is what reminded me of it. IN THE FORT HUACHUCA MUSEUM FEBRUARY 3/09

Kelly's place of employment back home is Deerpark Lodge in Bayfield. It's a seasonal business & that allows us to travel in the winter months. However, Kelly in effect, is still working. All calls to Deerpark are forwarded to a cell phone which Kelly carries with her. She handles all the reservations for the upcoming season so not only travels with a cell phone, but a big reservation book as well. That phone can ring at anytime & anywhere. We could be driving through downtown Indianapolis, eating tacos at Jilbertos in Boreggo Springs California, cresting a mountain road in the Chiricahuas, hiking a mountain trail in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, or fighting a heavy crosswind on a Kansas interstate. Makes no difference to the cell phone, it still rings. People on the other end have no idea they are talking to someone far away in the American southwest. They assume Kelly is sitting in the Deerpark office taking the call. Big surprise when some of them ask about the frigid temperatures & how much snow is in Bayfield. And now that spring is here the phone has been getting steadily busier. To-day's photos show Kelly taking some of those calls in different places we have been while I've had a camera close by. IN THE RIG FEBRUARY 10/09

Watched the second half of the Bob Dylan DVD this afternoon. "No Direction Home" reveals a Bob Dylan that I had always suspected. An ordinary talented guy with a knack for stringing words to-gether in a way that put his inner thoughts & feelings out onto the public stages of the world in a way that clearly shook up a whole generation. He was clearly uncomfortable in front of cameras & silly media questions & spurned the publics determination to turn him into some kind of great guru which he himself knew he wasn't. An honest & unassuming fellow despite all the hype. Great song writer & his music will live on for sure. It's a revealing DVD & I enjoyed it.IN THE DOUGLAS ARIZONA WAL-MART STORE FEBRUARY 8/09

Surprise visitor late this afternoon. Sergeant John stopped in on his way home from Fort Huachuca. I did a blog a few weeks ago about John & his Hudson Hornets. He didn't want us slipping away without saying good-bye. We have a bad habit of doing that so John made sure he was one step ahead of us. That's military training for ya:))

Double checked our medical coverage yesterday & realized it runs out on April 1rst so once we leave here we'll have to make some fast tracks for the Ontario border for sure.


To-morrow will probably be our last trip to Bisbee so we want to slip into the BBC (Bisbee Breakfast Club) where we hear they put up a pretty good lunch special. I have a feeling I might get dragged through a couple thrift stores too. I'm only going to put a dollar in my pocket so I don't get carried away & blow my whole allowance for the week...........................


No photos for the web album to-night.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009



Checkers, our purebred black & white border collie has always had a Motherly herding instinct. She has been totally fascinated with the chickens ever since we came to the ranch last month. She loves to hang around the chicken pen watching the goings on inside of the 9 hens & single rooster. Late yesterday afternoon as I was sitting at the computer I casually glanced out the window. To my astonishment all the chickens were walking around on the lawn outside their compound. And, there was Checkers right in the middle of all the girls contentedly watching over her little flock. She had finally figured out how to open the wire gate & let the ladies out for a walk. And, she did the same thing again to-day. We may have to consider getting Checkers her very own flock of chickens when we get home. Might have to borrow a couple chickens to take with us on our way home for Checks. Suppose we could always mail them back to the ranch. MORNING WALKS...CHECKERS, MAX, PEARCE, MOTORMOUSE, KELLY & GLEASON

Kelly had a Yoga class this morning in Elfrida & then headed over to Bisbee this afternoon for a little browsing. I stayed home with the furry guys in air conditioned comfort getting caught up on some computer stuff & reading. Sure wouldn't want to be here in July & August but at least there is no humidity turning me into a bucket of paste.

Right leg is still biting a bit but after to-days big rest up (and probably to-morrow too) I will once again be leaping over tall buildings in a single bound. But running faster than a speeding bullet is by now history I'm afraid:((

I think for the first time since leaving home back in November of 08 I haven't fired off one camera to-day so I'm going to have to do some scratching & digging for a few blog pics to-night. Wasn't fast enough on my feet to-day to get a picture of Checkers & her chicken buddies either. Maybe to-morrow:)) KELLY, RAY & JEANNIE.....THE DAY WE GOT SNOWED ON

And speaking of home......I am already beginning to experience the feelings that accompany any upcoming RV move. The sadness of leaving & the excitement of moving on down the road. This time it will be particularly difficult for me because I will really miss the two ranch dogs Gleason & Pearce. And I will miss Ingrid & Tom's dog Corky who comes to the ranch on Sundays. I have a habit of bonding with dogs & it's always hard for me saying good-bye to best friends. Our time here at the ranch has been a wonderful experience for us & we have Doug & JoAnne to thank for recommending us to Jeannie & Ray, the ranch owners. We have had so many great day trips around the area & thoroughly enjoyed every minute we've been here. Even when we got snowed on last month. That was A-OK because all the snow was gone by early afternoon. We have also met some great people & learned some about chickens, donkeys, horses, cats, & dogs. Learned not to throw a big shovel full of dry donkey poop into a big Arizona wind too. Learned that no matter how hot it gets during the day ya still got to wear your woolies at night. And don't carry eggs in your pockets!! Which reminds me of Calicos In Borrego Springs California where we had our first encounter with an egg pocket. OUR FIRST MEETING WITH JOANNE & DOUG IN YUMA

And there has been all the nice emails & comments from people following our blog. We have met some of those followers & now include them in our growing list of friends. For example I remember the two fellows in Quartzite who rode out of the desert one day on their ATV's & approached me while I was in the midst of putting up some flags on the rig. Figured for sure I was in big trouble again for flying the Canadian flag but it was just a couple of guys who had been following our blog & tracked us down to say howdy. So a big hello out there to Pete & Ed:)) HEY, IT'S PETE & ED IN QUARTZITE

Our focus this summer will be to make it back once again to the southwest in the fall. Our ranch sitting job will be open for us in November & that would make a great start to another adventurous 4 months in some of the gol darn pertiest country this here side of the Pecos...................................................... A CASA GRANDE SUNSET
No photos for the web album to-night.




We had heard from several people that it was a nice drive from the Chiricahua National Monument area up & over the mountains to the wee town of Portal on the other side. Signs say 4 wheel drive vehicles are recommended but someone said we would be fine with our 2 wheel drive 5 speed Santa Fe.....and we were. Rosanna from Paws & Hooves had offered to drive us over but I don't like to bother other people to drive for several reasons. To-day for example we probably made over 40 stops just getting through the mountains because I'm always looking for photos & stopping to look at stuff. Driving in the mountains is exciting so I like to be behind the wheel, shifting the gears, & making the driving decisions. I'm not a very good passenger at any time. We also meander up side roads, down back roads, & just generally poke along exploring things. It is the main reason we don't like going places with groups of people. We just like to do our own thing & it's much easier for my peace of mind if I don't have people walking in & out of the photographs I'm trying to take. We generally try to get a feel for whatever area we are in & sometimes that just requires a whole lot of quiet. I know there are some people out there who will understand that & some who won't. YES, THESE MOUNTAIN ROADS ARE VERY STEEP IN PLACES

We got ourselves an early start this morning & were actually out the gate by 8:15. An hour later we were into the Chiricahuas. Always amazing how fast the landscape changes in just a matter of a few miles. On the valley floor we humans are taller than most vegetation but within gaining a few hundred feet in the mountains we are suddenly dwarfed by towering Pine trees, Sycamore, Juniper, & Oak trees plus a whole host of other greenery like Mesquite trees, Agaves & Prickly Pear Cactus just to name a few. Within a few miles exist two different worlds. I remember parts of British Columbia being like that when I lived in the Okanogan Valley back in the early 70's for a few years. SNOW ON THE CHIRICAHUA MOUNTAIN TOPS AHEAD

The gravel road was very washboardy when we first entered the mountains but as we climbed it smoothed itself out. Saw some great camping spots in the forest alongside the road. Only accessible for small Class C's or B Class vans. Great for truck campers & pop up tent trailers though. Forded a few shallow creeks along the way & saw a couple of deer on the road. Stopped at what we presumed was the mountain summit because we could see the road headed down from there. Hauled out my thermos of coffee & took a picture of the sign which said we were at Onion Saddle, elevation 7,600 feet. Scouted out a side road but it was too rough for our Santa Fe. If we continue to come here to the southwest we are really going to have to get ourselves a 4 wheel drive jeep. Nothing wrong with our Santa Fe but so many times we have wanted to go places that we knew our beloved little Santa Fe couldn't go. CASTLES IN THE AIR

Began our descent down the east side of the Chiricahua Mountains making many stops & marveling at the beauty surrounding us. I was continually out of the car with the cameras. Not so good for my sore leg but no matter, it's just the way it has to be & I'll rest it up some more on Tuesday. It is improving anyway. Saw a sign saying Paradise so we took a bumpy little side road 3 miles down into a sleepy little place with a few houses on either side of the road with people living in them. Just kind of rolled right through & continued on to Portal. Passed a sign that said, Paradise Cemetery so wheeled in to take a picture of the cemetery gate which had a sign saying it was indeed the Paradise Cemetery. Just goes to prove that when some people die they do actually go to Paradise. HEADING FOR CAVE CREEK

The closer we got to Portal the more spectacular the mountain ranges became. Large stone bluffs & formations began appearing atop mountain ridges. Towering rocks looking like "castles in the air." Don McLean has a song entitled that. We knew we were in a very scenic area. PORTAL ARIZONA

The little town of Portal can hardly be called a town. I would say it's about 4 good stone throws long by 3 stone throws wide. Has a Post Office & Library but our main destination was the Portal Store Cafe & Lodge. Kelly had heard they had great Mexican food there so in we went. I had a grilled chicken burger with chips & Kelly had a great big plate of something Mexican I couldn't even pronounce. In the long run my grilled chicken burger turned out to be the best of the two. Took a drive around Portal which lasted all of about 60 seconds & then headed 3 miles back into the Coronado Forest looking for a little place called Cave Creek southwest of Portal. It was on this road that the scenery really took off. Towering mountains on both sides, mountain streams, waterfalls, & forests. This area has it all. It's a bird watcher's paradise & people flock here from far & wide looking for the rare & elegant Trogan bird. We saw birder's to-day along the roads with their binoculars & scopes. We saw beautiful mountains riddled with caves & hiking trails everywhere. Came across a great little campground with awesome views. Check our web album. About 15 well spaced sites & a campground that we could bring our motorhome to. We have mentally bookmarked this area & this campground as a place for us to return next year. And I'm being a bit uncharacteristically optimistic here in saying...."we will return to the Southwest!!!!"

Not too much in Cave Creek but we did stop at a Forestry Building & ask for directions to another camping area we had heard about. Some nice private lodges in Cave Creek. Headed back down the winding forest road, past the jagged rocky peaks along botanical road & out the highway back to Portal. Stopped at the Portal Store for a coffee to go & rolled east out into the San Simon Valley. It was 2:15 as I watched the Chiricahua Mountains fading in my rear view mirror. Within minutes we crossed the New Mexico State line, turned right onto highway 80 for a few more miles & then passed the Arizona State line right back into Arizona again. Hardly any traffic on this scenic highway as we headed southbound through the dusty little town of Rodeo. Put the hammer down on the Santa Fe, took a short cut around the north end of Douglas & we were back at the ranch before 3:30. Just another super terrific day trip in the good old American southwest.

New Mexico, Arizona, California, & a few areas in southern Texas are by far the greatest scenic areas to escape old man winter. So much to see & do. So much perfectly great weather. So many great times. So many memories..........................................................